About Us
Hi, Welcome to EcLIPSe!
We make products designed to help enhance your true beauty. Here you'll find skincare & cosmetics perfected to be worthy of your true self.
Shamahnea founded EcLIPSe in 2019 with the belief that every girl created has a purpose — You're a part of the process.
We're building the future for beauty here one step at a time. It all starts with you. We create the products you love. We invent the products you need. We believe in innovative design to enable a conversation (which is where it all starts). Most of all, we are honestly convinced that beauty is only about having fun wherever you are.
It's nice to meet you! Now that you're here browse around! Meet our tasty products, see them in action, and let us know what you think about our new collection!
- The EcLIPSe Team